I'm _very_ annoyed to see the failure of the bill in CA, as well as the
recent legislation in NYC, the hostile attitudes in Minneapolis, MN, and
so on.  How can those of us who don't live in a FFZ help?  I know that
money is always appreciated, but when you're living below the poverty
level, that's food, rent, vet bills, etc.  I'm wondering what would
happen if ferret owners from around the US wrote to these FFZs -
perhaps the Chamber of Commerce? the governor/mayor/whatever? - and
stated that they would not travel to that area until ferrets were
legalized, and would spread the word to people they knew about the
area's attitude.  One could present it as 'I'm not going there without
my ferret, so I'm not going,' or 'I'm horrified at what you've done to
ferrets and wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I was giving
you my tourist dollars,' depending on one's mood or the most sensible
approach, I suppose.  Those who live in FFZs couldn't do this, of
course, but could perhaps, if they move out, write a letter to their
old area saying that their laws are the only reason they left, and
this created lost tax $, etc. because of it.
Here's my questions:
1.)  I moved out of Minneapolis, MN about a year ago, to the suburbs,
_solely_ because of their anti-ferret policies.  I'll be moving to
Chicago soon.  Any suggestions for writing to them to explain my reasoning
and its effect?  How about _where_ to write?
2.)  Where can out-of-staters write to CA, MA, NYC, etc. to express our
opinions?  More importantly, _should_ we?
3.)  On a brighter note, where should I write to tell MI that my fiance'
and I will now visit because of ferret legalization (we're going camping
later in the summer, but not bringing our ferrets because of the beach
sand and heat)?
Hugs to your furries, and extra support to those stuck in FFZs -
 /\\    ____  ,^-o,  Denise Voskuil - [log in to unmask]
   ``-,'    `-';~~   Brain: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
     .',-'~`../'     Pinky: "I think so, Brain, but if we didn't have
      `~~    `~~       ears we'd look like weasels." ("Animaniacs")
"Ferrets are kittens with leather jackets and no fear!" - John Reed
[Posted in FML issue 1178]