More on the subject of the bedbeasties...
        I tried for awhile to leave the kids out while I slept. I got the
usual toe biting and ear licking but I can get used to that. I'm a VERY
heavy sleeper so if I could just manage to close an eye, I'd be out for the
night no matter WHAT the beastlings tried to do to me. Lucky me, so I
thought. The first morning I awoke to find complete chaos. Anyone who has
seen my room knows it MUST be bad if _I_ can say it's chaos! Applejuice had
taken EVERYthing out of my dresser drawers and replaced the clothes with
shoes and her toys, oh yes, and the headphones to my walkman. A poster that
I had yet to hang was ripped to shreds. The plant which the ferrets (by day)
had convinced me was out of reach was strewn from one end of the room to the
other (I hope plants can't feel pain). My pantyhose, which WAS in a dresser
drawer was wrapped around the legs of the bed. I wish I HAD slept a little
more lightly and their antics against my feet and toes would have caused me
to cage them. I might have been able to save my poor little teddy bear,
which is now down to one ear and three paws. Be thankful you light sleepers
and ticklish people. You give up and cage them before the REAL damage is done!
ahn and jon (the mom and dad), tasha (the samoyed), don gato and chloe (the
orange tabby and the calico kitties), butch and sundance (the new half
rottie half shepard pups (what am I, crazy?!)), twitch and bonk and boomer
and the nameless wonder (the calico's kittens (a week and a half and they're
outta here)) and alpha (the beta fish). *whew*
[Posted in FML issue 1177]