To Tracy Bussey:
Air shipping a ferret - or any animal - IMHO - is not a good idea.  Too
many bad experiences have happened.  Several months ago, the VP of the LOS
in PA had a terrible experience flying her ferret in the cargo hold - I
have heard of other horror stories as well.
US Air will allow ferrets in the cabin (in approved carriers) w/a health
certificate, vaccinations, and a $25 ticket for the ferret.
My 2 jills aren't in season yet - I anticipate (hopefully) w/in the next
2 or 3 weeks that will change.  If you will be in Syracuse around the end
of August, any babies I might have would be around 9 wks old at that point -
assuming all goes well and there are no guarantees on that!  If you don't
mind driving into Rochester from Syracuse, please feel free to contact me
and I may be able to help you out.
Debbie Riccio
PS:  In order for me to sell you a baby in NYS, however, you will need to
get a NYS ferret permit - you would need this to travel w/a ferret thur
NYS anyway - ie, even if you brought your own ferrets along just to visit
w/your family, you would still need a permit to travel w/them in NYS.  It's
not hard to get one and they only cost $10/year - no limits on the number
of ferrets under any 1 permit.
[Posted in FML issue 1177]