To Diane Emery:
I don't know anything about rabies in Texas, but if you want your ferret
vaccinated, it should be YOUR choice - not the vet's.
Having only 1 animal in the house may reduce your risk of exposure, but
it certainly doesn't eliminate it 100 percent.  At the animal emergency
clinic where I worked, we often got calls from anxious owners whose cat
had fought w/a bat in the house.  When asked if the cat was vaccinated
for rabies, often the owners said no because the cat is an indoor cat.
IMRAB was USDA approved for use in ferrets in 1990.  This is not a hard
vaccine to find as it is approved for dogs, cats, horses (and I think
sheep) and many vets use this particular vaccine already.
If you want your ferret vaccinated and you vet won't do it, find another
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1176]