I'd like to add one to the list of precautions to take when getting your
little fuzzbeans vaccinated...
   - Keep an eye on them for the rest of the day.  Especially if any
     received pre-medication.  That way you can be around in case of
     any delayed reactions or reactions due to the pre-medication
     wearing off.  Check with your vet for medication durations.
-- Mike
Michael C. Burkard        |              _     Dancing Dookers
Xerox, Rochester, NY USA  |       _____C .._.  Delightfully Digging!
[log in to unmask]     |  ____/     \___/   Feisty Fuzzies in a
My opinions only.         | <____/\_---\_\     Frenzied Frollick!
[Posted in FML issue 1176]