Hello Again,
First I'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelmingly helpful and
sympathetic responses to my posting about Rugby's loss. I had originally
intended to write each and every one of you a follow-up letter, but, as
usual, I haven't got to it.
Since my last posting, with the help of countless suggestions and ideas from
friendly FML'ers, I along with my girlfriend Mina, and some friends have
virtually flooded the neighborhood with sign postings; placed numerous ads in
the community newspaper; called the local veterinarians; talked personally
with local animal rescue agencies; went out in THE MIDDLE of the night with a
squeaky toy (in my case, my watch); posted posters with LARGE rewards; talked
to neighborhood people who I've met walking around in my area; etc. etc.
No luck, not one lead. A number of people who have seen me in the
neighborhood with the ferret recognized the ad/posters and called to offer
their condolences, but no ferret.
After a year together, she finally got her wish ... to explore the BIG WORLD.
I hope she is happy wherever she is. I haven't given up on her yet, but I
thought I'd let you in on the best medicine I've found to heal the wounds
caused by her loss. I'm sure you know what I'm referring to -- a new baby.
My girlfriend, who is the most sympathetic person I've ever known, suggested
immediately that we get another. Not to replace Rugby, for if she came back
she would find a new friend, but to supplement the family. Working as a
reporter in New Jersey, she is keen to everything that goes on there. Immediat
ely she recognized that it was a ferret-friendly area. We made some calls and
settled on a 6 1/2-week-old jill, sight unseen.
On Saturday, we (Mina, her twin little sisters: Elena and Valerie, and
myself) took the 1 1/2 trip out to Passaic County to pick up the little
The pet store was small, but friendly, I had spoke to them a few times and
determined that they seemed to be the only caring pet store owners in the
area. The ferret was waiting. She was alone in the cage, but at first we
couldn't tell what the heck was in there (it turned out that she was lonely
at night and cried, so the store owners put a stuffed animal in with her to
comfort her -- a very good sign to me).
When we finally pulled her out, what we found was a small, adorable,
light-sable-colored cutey who took to us right away. She played and played.
In the store, out of the store, on the sidewalk, in the car on the way
home... Rugby was never THAT playful. Mina and the twins also liked her, but,
as with me I could sense in them a reservation, perhaps the memory of Rugby
who had endeared herself, truly.
Since Saturday, I have re-experienced the joy of new-ferret ownership. As
much as I constantly catch myself comparing her to my lost love, she DOES
have her own personality. She is much more vociferous than Rugby ever was.
Where Rugby was gentle and introspective, This One is outgoing and downright
LOUD! I don't think I really knew what a `dook' was until we got her. She
dooks constantly, and bounces and cries when I put her in her cage. That's
new to me. Rugby NEVER cried. This One screams!!! When frightened she really
lets loose! But that has been once so far, it's just so different.
Anyway, she is very happy, loving and caring and has already taken to
sleeping with me. Although she wakes me up every two hours by biting my ears
or lips. Then falls back asleep immediately while I am left restlessly awake
making Her comfortable. Oh, well, we humans are nothing if not good servants.
As you may have noticed, I haven't named her yet. Nothing has struck my
fancy. We have been through probably a hundred names, but I haven't found one
I like. As one last favor, I ask anyone with a good suggestion for a ferret
name to PLEASE E-Mail me. You all have such interesting names, but I can't
bring myself to use a "taken" one. Loki is the closest I've come, but it
still doesn't fit.
Well, now that I've bored everyone, I would just like to thank you all again f
or your sympathy, in phone calls or in E-Mail, you could never know how much
that meant to me during the past week. I feel forever obligated to the ferret
community as a stand-in friend for anyone who falls upon my situation. People
might complain about the posts, but for over a week of my life, I felt like a
part of me was gone. It still hasn't come back, but the little one makes you
focus on her needs, it's natural, I guess. If you do lose a ferret. I urge
you to post, or write me directly at [log in to unmask], I can now definitely
In the meantime, I'll say farewell...as will the little nameless one who is
at work here with me right now. I can't help but feel content :) ... I'm
sorry Rugby, but if you come back you'll have a friend. I'll still try to
write to the individuals who helped me through this tough time. It means a
lot. Thank you all.
John Campanie and the Unameable
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1175]