Hello again
I'm going to Greece for 6 wks this summer and my ferrets will be staying
at home with my mom, Silver and Y.  Does anyone have experience with how
ferrets deal with being separated from their mommys and daddys for long
periods of time?  Sometimes when I go out now for 1-2 hours I'll leave
them out of the cage if they're sleeping and every time when I get home,
Bell is sitting by the door waiting for me to come home.  Then she climbs
into my arms and won't go back to sleep or play until I rub her belly for
20-30 min.  She always has this lost look on her face when I walk in the
door, which makes me feel bad for going out.
This doesn't happen when they're in the cage, but I'm worried that she
will be very depressed when I leave.
She knows my mom and always has a fun time staying with Silver and Y (and
Baby), but she always comes back to me.  I've left them with my mom for a
week during Dec. and every day I would talk to Bell on the phone and my
mom said she would dance and dance and dance after she heard my voice.
How can I make my leaving easier on her? (I leave in 6 wks.)
[Posted in FML issue 1175]