To Jeannette (and Bean):
Ferrets sleep/play, sleep/play, sleep/play......if you leave them out all
night, they will sleep/play, sleep/ get the idea.
I, too, have tried letting some of my more "well-behaved" ferrets spend the
night foot-loose and fancy free, but they keep me up most of the night.
Several of them have managed to climb into the water bed, but the majority
get under the covers, and lick my toes and I'm too ticklish for that !!!
Angel is probably the nicest to sleep with/ she just cuddles with you and
doesn't lick or nibble at toes, so I don't mind her.
When Mandy used to be able to climb up in bed (she's too old to climb up
the stairs to the 2nd floor now), she would get under the covers, and then
proceed to nibble the entire length of my leg like it was an ear of corn!!!
She never hurt me - but I am soooooo ticklish, that I would go CRAZY!!!!
BJ can't get in bed unless I put her there, but she is a true toe-nibbler,
so I can't tolerate her there for too long.
However, since some of them have managed to work their way under the sheets
to the waterbed mattress (YEAH, RUBBER!!!!!), my bedroom is off limits to
everyone but Angel.
PS:  I never real knew just how thick a waterbed mattress really was until
there were *many* ferret teeth marks peppered near the plug.
PSS:  I never really knew just how "magical" the Blue Magic waterbed glue
was until I used it!!!
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1175]