On our way to the Rhode Island ferret show, it being our
anniversary, my wife and I stayed over night at a bed and breakfast.  Having
already made the reservation before Sqeekers decided that he wanted to lead
the parade, we decided that we'd do the best thing for all concerned and,
well ......sneek him in.
        Once the decision was made, I remembered seeing a shoulder bag for
small animals a while back in a pet store near here, and I have to tell you
that it worked like a charm.  It is made out of heavy dark green nylon with
imitation leather trim, and looks just like a camera or cosmetic bag,
shoulder strap and all.  Measurements are approx 8" by 8" by 13".  It has a
stiff frame to hold it in shape, and a hard floor which comes out when the
feet are unscrewed for cleaning.  It is called a "Sherpa Bag" manufactured
by Sherpa's Pet Trading Company, Telephone (800) 743-7723 or Fax (212) 308-1187.
        We kept squeekers in the car (after dark, cold day) until we came
back from dinner and drinks around ten, and would you believe it they had
waited up for us.  Really, nice people and we had a great conversation too.
Squeeks just took it all in from his darkened little vantage point and
didn't let on for about ten minutes, when he began to scratch to get out and
we beat a hasty retreat up the stairs, before they caught on that it wasn't
me making that noise.  Felt like I was in a Peter Seller's movie or some such.
[Posted in FML issue 1175]