Squeekers took my wife and me to the ferret show in RI today, while
Rocky decided to stay home and skip the excitement.   What a wonderful sight
it was to see all the neat people, especially from Mass, "dook dooking", and
doing the war dance around the room as they discovered each others ferrets
and realized that they weren't alone.  I have to say that the organizers did
an absolutely superb job in ensuring that everyone had a good time.
         The day was sunny and warm, there was a cool breeze off the ocean,
television cameras were there taking pictures of cute kids kissing and
cudling fuzzies for the six oclock news.  Squeekers took a fifth place in
the tip over and escape from the shopping bag contest, and also got his ears
really REALLY clean this time while Dad got a few pointers.  What fun it was
to watch the costume contest.  Surfer Ralph would have had a great time and
a lot to talk about with one in a black leather jacket riding a Harley.
First place was won by a lady ferret in granny glasses and a wig, second may
have gone to a ferret in a hang glider (bird?) outfit.  A goodly number of
venders were there as well and it was a real opportunity to meet people, and
trade ideas. (Hi Mary and Eric)
        For those of you who haven't attended an event such as this, you are
really missing a great time.  Just to walk out to the parking lot, and see
ten or more of these guys out for air, and not concerned about law
enforcement.... well you have to be there.
                                                     Bill Williamson
[Posted in FML issue 1175]