First, let me start off  by saying that I think "dook dook goose" has to
be the most amusing game, more so than any other b-day party game.
Second, in the tail of my princess ferret who hates to be dirty:
Last night Baby was sleeping in her ferret bed. She was on her stomach
with her back paws hanging over the side of the bed and her front paws
were stretched out in front of her(parallel to her head).  Bell, being
the clean ferret that she is, decided that Baby needed a bath(even though
its been less than 1 wk. since their last bath).  First, she started
licking Baby's ears, normal ferret doings, I thought.  Then, she (sorry-I
can't think of a politer way to say this) mounted Baby's back.  Mind you,
Baby is still sleeping. Bell started licking Baby's neck and forehead,
then she grabbed the sides of Baby's face with her paws, and proceeded to
lick clean her nose and mouth.  Then, she did something that I've never
see her do before.  She picked Baby's face up with her paws and turned
her over so that she was now neck up.  Then Bell cleaned Baby's bib, chin
and anything else that was down there.  Then she got off and started the
whole routine again, beginning with the ears.  This went on for almost 20
minutes.  After she did this the first time, I was laughing so hard I
decided to call my mom and tell her- that was a mistake-I was crying by
now and my mom thought that something bad had happened-it took me 10
minutes to convince her that everyone was ok.  I decided to share this
with the FML because I think its the FUNNIEST thing I've seen my ferrets
do since I've had them.
[Posted in FML issue 1172]