To Deborah Micklea -
Regarding discussing the problem of cardiomyopathy with a large-scale breeder -
while this disease should be brought to their attention, all breeders of this
scale have a low background incidence of this type of disease.  Probably a lot
of ferrets have some genetic background predilection for this disease - it is
only when you get the right two ferrets together with enough CMP genetic
material that you get offspring with severe disease.  I doubt there is a
breeder in the U.S.  who doesn't have at least some of the animals with the
genetic combinations that predispose to CMP.
The breeder may send another ferret if your vet certifies that the animals has
CMP, but I wouldn't expect any more than that - there probably won't be a
refund, or any money toward vet bills.
Bruce Williams, DVM  [log in to unmask]  OR  [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1171]