A very informative article--made me think.  Thanx for posting it.
I have a few comments/questions I thought I would say on the FML.
What kind of % are we looking for for LOW ash and magnesium? Is there
any "magic" number or just compare to other brands (remembering all the
other requirements too)? The %s mean nothing to me without some comparison.
Science Diet Feline Growth seems to bode well (what we feed our 2). :)
We considered shape also but were thinking more about waste. The SD pellets
are sorta roundish. They eat the whole thing except for a few crumbs here
and there. I've noticed them (and cats I've had) to bite certain parts only
off of shaped food and waste the rest. This way they get good food and get
the whole piece.
A whole raw egg?? I've not heard this one before but it sounds like quite an
idea? Is there any concern about salmonella or other problems associated with
raw eggs? We have an albino male (Blaze) who has a very coarse coat. He
always is shedding a little and is prone to itchiness. No fleas or other
problems have been detected and our little girl (in the same environment,etc)
has a beautiful, shiny, silky coat. Maybe this would help...
Thanks for any comments or suggestions :)
(Please forgive the length--I don't usually post much)
Angi, Brandy (a.k.a. Brandster) & Blaze (a.k.a. Bubby)
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[Posted in FML issue 1169]