Massachusetts Ferret Lovers,
        Now that your taxes are done and in the mail, you might take a
couple seconds to drop a line to your state representative and senator in
favor of the bill to legalize domestic ownership in this state. You can
call the state house at
                        (617) 722-2000
to find this information. Some things you might want to tell them are:
        o domestic ferrets are legal pets in 47 states.
        o the USDA classifies it as a domestic pet and that Mass Dept of
          Fish & Game sponsors legislation to correct an oversight which
          originally classified it as a wild animal.
        o all research shows that the domestic ferret does not extablish feral
          populations and is safer to people than cats and dogs.
        o Mass residents have a constitutional right to own private
          property including domestic animals.
        o domestic ferrets are wonderful, fabulous, terrific!
        Earn BONUS POINTS for domestic ferret owners by contacting the
chair of the House Ways & Means committee by contacting:
                Rep. Thomas Finneran (671) 722-2990
                House of Representatives
                State House
                Boston, Ma 02133-1053
If you are in his district or know somebody in his district this would be
*extrememly* valuable to getting the bill passed this year! His district
is Dorchester, Mattapan, Hyde Park, and Milton.
        Don't forget to refer to ferrets as *domestic ferrets* to stress
that they are NOT wild animals and we should be able to own them just as
any other domestic animal: horses, dogs etc.
        Thanks for your help changing this insane law!
                        Kari Lee
                        Reg. Veterinary Technician
                        Class of 1999, Tufts Vet School
[Posted in FML issue 1169]