To Peter,
I am a second year veterinary student, and have a good friend who works for
Ciba Geigy, the maker of Program.  This is a product that has just come on
the market for dogs as a once-a-month flea control pill.  (the chemical name
is Lufenuron) My friend just told me two weeks ago that the product had been
approved for cats, and that studies had shown it to be safe for ferrets and
effective at a 30mg/kg dose.  Since most ferrets are approximately 1 kg, (2.2
lbs.), a single 30mg dose once a month should help to control the flea
problems in your house (provided all other pets are on Program also).  I have
this product for both of my dogs, and the pill for a 25-50 lb dog contains
about 200 mg.  I know they have a smaller pill than this, but it will
probably still need to be broken up accordingly.  I would ask your vet to
contact Ciba (they should have the #), and ask to speak to Oliver Wilson.
You can tell him who referred you, if you wish.  This is by no means a plug
for Program, but it is the only Lufenuron available, and the only thing like
it!  We were told about this miracle drug last fall in our parasitlogy
course, before it was even available and have been looking for it ever since!
To Debbie Riccio,
I was discussing ferrets with a classmate who owns a 9 year old black-eyed
white.  It turns out that this old guy is a Marshall Farms Ferret!  I thought
you might be interested in this to add to your record books!  I also have a 5
year old MF girl who is so healthy she looks like my 1 year old.
[Posted in FML issue 1169]