The form to use for replies to the lifespan survey is:
A) Sex - male (1) or female (2)
B) Cause of Death -  adrenal disease (1), insulanoma (2), lymphoma
  (3), cardiac (4), accidental (5),  infectious disease (6), or  other (7)
C) Age at death -  Give number (to nearest 1/4 year  e.g., 3.25 or 6.5)
D) Neutered/spayed - No (1), before 6 mos. (2), after 6 mos. (3)
E) Source -  Pet store (1), breeder (2), or shelter (3)
Notes:  "B" - Primarily interested in medical causes for "other" (7),
specify  and new category will be started if the group is large enough.  If
death occurred from surgery or other treatment, give the code for the
underlying reason for the treatment.   "C" - give best estimate of age if
you are reasonably certain within a 1/4 yr.  Living ferrets should not be
included (the recent growth in ferret pets would flood the young end and the
purpose of this survey is only to determine ages and causes of death).
Responses can be a simple line of letters and code #'s (e.g., a1, b3, c5.0,
d2, e1).  Send to <[log in to unmask]>.
The key to success is a large number of responses.  I have intentionally
kept the form simple in the hope that it will encourage your participation.
 If this goes well, this database can be built upon to do more detailed
studies of specific conditions.  Graphs of the results as well as
descriptive stats will be distributed when done.  The next step is yours -
please take it!
        Til next time...........Rudy the ferlosopher.
[Posted in FML issue 1168]