[Moderator's note: I deleted one FML length related article today but I'm
leaving this one in since it's a little distressing: if someone wants or
needs to air something like a ferret obituary that's not a problem.  I view
my job as helping to keep such things from getting out of hand, not to squelch
articles simply because they they don't fit a narrow set of rules.  BIG]
  The FML length controversy has left me a little bummed out.  At first
glance it seemed to be _the_ place to air everything from stupid questions to
ferret obituaries, but this no longer appears to be true.  So be it.  Those
of you with seniority will have to establish a set of FML rules & regs. for
us newbies to follow.  First, you'll have to decide amongst yourselves *who*
has seniority privileges.  BIG gets final say on all things, because he's
doing all the dern work.
  There really *are* some unwritten rules & regulations attached to any mailing
list, electronic or otherwise.  The way this rookie (and pointless "cute"
story writer) interprets the R&R's:
 1) Write for the reader.
 Inject a litlle humor, sadness, happiness, sympathy, etc.; you're writing for
 everyone else, not yourself.
 2) No run-on sentences (rambling).
 Lengthy, repetitive posts bore readers; they'll be scrolled/panned.  No one
 expects James Joyce, but try to be concise & entertaining.
 3) Edit.
 There's no excuse for mixtakes (I meant mistakes) stuff.  You _must_ edit
 your post before you send it.
 4) Consider the readership as a whole.
 Decide whether your direct response is of general interest.  If not, then
 email/snail-mail the original poster directly.
 5) Minimize the <s/he said> business.
 Common complaint.
 Rebuttal:  Yesterday's posts are fresh, but if you're responding to an old
 post, then the readers may have forgotten details.
 Agreement:  Quote only as much as you need to convey your point.
    I'm guilty of breaking these rules in the past, but promise to obey them
steadfastly henceforth.  They do NOT apply to those asking/giving veterinary
   Longtimers; please remember that some of us are new to ferrets.  Most of
us newbies hadn't even heard of the "ferret war dance" when we committed to
our ratfinks.  After seeing 'em do five or six unsolicited backflips, we
worried that our ferrets were psychotic, rabid, or both.  The FML(ers)
reassured us that it's only psychosis.  (A ;-) goes here, right?)
  Ms. Busch, Swamp's a wonderful name for a ferret.  Daggone it, broke my own
  Boy, I hope there's noe (sp?) mixtakes in *this* post.
[Posted in FML issue 1168]