Hi all.  Last year, after much debate, my fiance and I bought a 9 week old
sable male (Rocket) at a local pet store.  He was pro ferret I was against-
at first.  Once I held the little guy and he burrowed into my hair I just
had to have him!
        Well, now I pamper him so much that he's spoiled rotten. He is (I
believe) a very happy and healthy little boy. (well, not so little!) Now I
have decided that he needs a friend to play with-my fiance is against this
idea right now but I am homping to change his mind! He doesnt think our
carpet can stand TWO ferrets trying to dig to China! I think once he sees
and holds a baby ferret he'll change his mind- problem is the pet store we
got Rocket at is gone and I havent been able to find another one with
ferrets. Also, I am concerned about getting another one from a pet store
and thought maybe a breeder would be the way to go. Anyone know of any in
the Houston area? E-mail me directly to cut down excess mail to the FML.
Thanks for the help!
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[Posted in FML issue 1165]