Just thought I'd add my $0.02 worth on this FML length discussion. I
basically like the FML as is, true sometimes it gets a bit long, but I
read every byte, so to speak. I think folks should GET the FAQs though
and go through them first, then after they've been fully "subscribed"
maybe get a few back issues and find out what's been going on for awhile.
My first subscription issue was 1136, but I went back to 1100. True, I have
posted prior to then, but I did have a better idea what was going on
The other part of this note is to especially thank BIG & CUNY without
whom and which we might not be discussing any of this.  I also want to
thank the Docs, Vet Techs, and the other very knowledgable people who
contribute the serious stuff to make this list so worthwhile.  I also
want to thank those who have sent in the funny little fuzzy stories as
well as those stories which certainly bring a tear or more to one's eye.
       One suggestion I have to help shorten this is to be more brief
in referencing previous posts, one item that annoys me is the "cut &
paste" >>>>> all over some lists. I think it would be sufficient to just
say "to John/Jane in issue 11xx whose fuzzy was sick" instead of a whole
paragraph or more preceded with ">". Or maybe just in issue 1100.1 where
the point number was the item number in the table of contents so a post
could be relocated/read IF desired. That's it I'm done. Bye for now.
-- Tim, Salena (whatsa mailing list dad?), %%%
[Posted in FML issue 1164]