Ok, did my subject line pass the test?
LOOSING FUR- Harold is loosing quite a bit and fur and (it seems) weight.   At
first I thought it was spring shedding but:
  1) Scooter's still fluffy and plump
  2) His tail is getting much thinner.
Any opinions? Should I be worried. Harold's acting normal - just looking
BREWER'S YEAST- Can Brewer's Yeast CAUSE ferrets to itch? Mine seem to be
scratching much more than usual (no fleas that I've seen). Or is shedding
again the cause? Sorry, my first shedding season as a ferret pet. :-\
PUNISHMENT- OK, I've tried everything! Scooter rarely bites. Harold had
stopped for awhile. Harold's getting bad again (1 year old). I nosk flick
(NO EFFECT), I scruff (he thinks I'm playing & bites more when put down), I
hold him till he settles down (do I need to elaborate on that one?), and
cage-confinement (he can't bite me but is only a tempoary relief, I don't
think he's made the connection). PLEASE any advice????
He does'nt puncture the skin - I know he's playing - but it still hurts!
It's very hard to walk around with a ferret dooking and attacking your feet!
Private e-mail me if you wish.
 Stacy, Harold, & Scooter
[Posted in FML issue 1164]