Hi, all!
To Susanne Dysard .. we had the same problem with one of our ferrets opening
any and all cabinets in the house (from the kitchen to the bathrooms).
It was our little girl who "learned" how to open them and then she had the
audacity to teach the 3 boys how to do it too!  Needless to say, this
worried us alot because she could and would get into the soap/chemical
cabinet under the sink!
So, we bought magnetic catches at the hardware store.  One side screws into
the door and the other magnetic part screwed into the cabinet.  They aren't
very big and are "strong" enough to stop them from getting the leverage
they need to open the doors.
Of course .. you know ferrets .. they will ALWAYS keep trying until either:
  A.  you say NO enough times where they get the idea to stop, or
  B.  they just get bored trying and find some other trouble to get into!
Good Luck!
Nancy, Bob and our troublemakers .. Fewwit, Bandit, Alexander the Great
[Posted in FML issue 1163]