A while back I posted about my ferret having a reaction to Fervac-D.
Recently a friend e-mailed me that she took her 10 ferrets to the vet and 3 of
them had reactions.  While she was waiting for her ferrets to recover another
mutual friend came in with one of her ferrets and he too had a reaction!
Isn't 4 out of 11 a ridiculously high number of reactions?!  We're talking
fairly serious reactions: vomiting, bloody diarrhea and labored breathing.  I
have a ferret that is due for vaccinations now.  He would have been vaccinated
at the same time as my other ferret but he was sick.  I've gotten to the point
where I keep putting it off because I'm afraid of the outcome.  My vet said
she could not recommend Galaxy-D because it hasn't been tested in ferrets and
she felt it might not be safe.  She says I should stick with Fervac, which I
am, but I don't like it.  I realize that between computer ferret groups and
ferret clubs and shows a lot more people are in contact now and you hear more
about reactions and such but I think the number of reactions with Fervac-D are
reaching an unacceptable level.  Don't you think?
Dr. Williams:
You mentioned that steroids can interfere with a vaccine's effectiveness.
When my ferret had the adverse reaction, I gave him epinephrine then took
him to my vet. She gave him injectible Benadryl and steroids. Does that mean
the vaccine will not be effective? Does he have to be revaccinated? Please
tell me he doesn't!
Cindy Sooy
[Posted in FML issue 1163]