Once again I gotta apologize folks - I was editing issue 1162 and finshed 13
seconds too late - thus an unedited copy went out today.  I managed to pull
back about 450 of the 980 that were sent out, so 450 lucky subscribers got a
somewhat edited version, but the other 500+ got the issue with all the garbage
in it.  Effective immediately I'm changing the distribution time from 1:00am
to 2:00am (Eastern) - maybe that will give me enough time to finish editing!
The edited copy [different than either one sent out] has been stored in the
archives, so feel free to get that one if you want a clean copy.
And while I'm at it - I lost 3 or 4 pieces of mail sent to ferret-request
probably sometime Tuesday.  If you asked me something but didn't get an
answer, can you please ask again?
Whew...what a day....
[Posted in FML issue 1163]