I have been reading the FML for the past week and a half and have thoroughly
enjoyed the information and stories.  The best part has been learning that
Sebastian - my three and a half year old, sable fuzzball is in fact a "normal"
ferret.  He does lots of the things that I have read about here and in the
My latest adventure has been trying to devise a way to keep him out of the
bathroom cabinets.  The cabinet doors do not have knobs - they just have
a notch that you use to pull them open.  Sebastian can pull them open by
pulling underneath the door or on the side.  I thought that I could solve the
problem by using the baby-proofing latches that only allow you to open the
door a small amount without releasing the latch.  Unfortunately that small
amount is just enough to let Sebastian get into the cabinet.  Has anyone
had any luck with this kind of situation?  To make things worse, he has
learned to navigate up onto a shelf in the cabinet, climb into the drawer
from behind, open the drawer from inside and climb out onto the counter.
Not only is nothing inside the cabinet safe - now I have to worry about
things on the counter.  Fortunately for me - my toothpaste only suffered a
few punctures - Sebastian must have decided that he didn't like Crest!!
Any suggestions would be great!  Thanks!
Suzanne  & Sebastian (who is hoping that no one has figured out how to
outsmart the fuzzies - I like to chew on all of Mommy's stuff!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1162]