I read with interest the artical from AP about the path-valley/agway
fiasco. A local pet shop had recieved a shipment of path-valley ferrets
and I was less than impressed with thier kits. Several of them had some
health problems, poor doers, rectal prolapses. I talked both to the
people at Path Valley and their Veterinarian at the time (two months ago)
and they didn't mention anything about an ongoing problem. Personally I
think there is a lot more to this story than is in the press. Why would
it take three years to determine that a calcium/phos imbalance was
present. I would think with all the problems they cited, malformed
babies, teeth loss, fractures, someone would have thought of this earlier.
Well it's time to load up my stinky ferret and head to the office. Using
an intact male in season as a ferret ambassador (we show him to all our
clients since most Michiganders have yet to see a ferret) is rough on the
old olfactory system.
Michael Phelps DVM
[Posted in FML issue 1152]