Tonight I'm exhausted...  I put Adele out of my office this afternoon
after she tried 5 times to go into the couch and scratching and
scratching...  She tried and succeded also to open all the closets'door
despite blocs of stone blocking them (each one bigger than Adele.  So I
put her out and close the room of the basement (where my office is).  At
the end of the afternoon, I looked for her thinking that she was sleeping
with the two guys.  She was not...  So my daughter and me looked every
were without any success.  Finally we found her sleeping INSIDE one of
the couches in the living room (it's an open living room without door and
without plant anymore, guess why...) She entered there by a very small
hole under the seat cushions at the junction of all stitches (is'it the
good word?) It's just like in a corner of a box and I can figure how I
can block it.  Does anyone have an idea or experience who can help me?  I
don't want let her do that.  It take around 20 minutes each time to get
her out.  If it seems easy for her to get inside, it's not easy at all to
get out.  I feel like helping someone giving birth!!!
Thank you!
Anne (the exasperated Mom)
Victor (I'm not interested in couches but I love beer!)
Hugo (I don't like beer but I would like to go inside the couch with
Adele and have some nutrical to get out...  But I'm too big!)
Adele (I'm so proud of me, I succeded again! I'm so intelligent, so
magnificent, I can do everything I want... I'm a superferret, I'm the
bes..oups, what's happen Mom? why you put me in my home?  I don't want to
sleep, I wan't to explore all the couches of the world!!!)
 Anne Charbonneau E-mail: [log in to unmask]    Fax: (514) 343-2233
                  Tel: (514) 343-6111 poste 3048          Local: I-213
                  Faculte de medecine dentaire
                  Universite de Montreal
                  C.P. 6128, Succ. A,
                  Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3J7
[Posted in FML issue 1151]