To Charlene - who needs more info on liquid for heartworms:
Charlene - the liquid is given once monthly, and blood SHOULD be taken prior
to starting heartworm prevention.  IF the ferret does have heartworms
(chances though are very slim) giving the preventative without first treating
the infection will cause premature death of the worms and embolism of them to
the heart, which will in all likelihood kill the ferret.
The vet that I got my recipe for the heartworm liquid is Dr. Debra Kemmerer of
Gainesville, FL.  Her number is (904) 332-4357.  I would suggest that your vet
give her a call to find out how to properly formulate the medication. (LAn
extra added benefit besides ease of administration is that it's also $cheaper$.)
Four CBC's a year - I'm sure that your vet is just being thorough, but 4 times
a year seems a bit excessive.
Bruce Williams, DVM  [log in to unmask]  OR  [log in to unmask]
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP              Department of Veterinary Pathology
[log in to unmask]               Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
[log in to unmask]             Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
(202) 782-2600/2602
[Posted in FML issue 1159]