To Michelle Skinner -
There are slight variations in pH between animal's and people's skin, but it
is not very much.  I know of a lot of people who use human shampoo on thier
pets (when fleas are not a problem) with no ill effects.  But remember - no
two people bathe their pets alike - most vary the length of time, amount of
shampoo, the length of time shampoo is left on, frequency of bathing - the
variables are enormous.
If you have a flea problem, you need a flea shampoo.  Human shampoos (we do
often use baby shampoos on our ferrets between flea baths) can be used in
some cases.  For best bets, a pyrethrin based shampoo that can be used on
kittens is the best choice for most pets.
Bruce Williams, DVM  [log in to unmask]  OR  [log in to unmask]
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP              Department of Veterinary Pathology
[log in to unmask]               Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
[log in to unmask]             Washington, D.C.  20306-6000
(202) 782-2600/2602
[Posted in FML issue 1159]