Good questions!!
1)Lyme disease---I have never seen or heard of a case of Lyme disease in a
ferret.  Part of this is because most ferrets spend a limited time outdoors
and exposure to ticks are limited as a result.
We have seen a large number of cases of Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain
Spotted Fever in the past couple of years in our practice.  These are both
spread through ticks and can be potentially fatal if not diagnosed and
2)Heartworm Disease--This is a blood parasite which is spread through
mosquitos.  Dogs are very susceptible, and as a result are tested yearly and
placed on a monthly preventitive.  Ferrets are also susceptible and if they
spend time outside you should consider monthly medication to prevent this
fatal disease.  Since ferrets are so small it only takes 1-2 heartworms to
cause the signs of heart failure associated with heartworm disease.
Dr Weiss
Potomac Animal Hospital
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[Posted in FML issue 1159]