I'd vote for leaving the list pretty much the same.  I have a home
computer with a dial up connection to a true internet account, which allows
me to print it each morning and have something light to scan over cereal and
coffee.  This morning it ran eighteen pages and took maybe fifteen minutes.
Total cost probably less than ten dollars a month, and a lot more
entertaining and educational than cable tv.
        It might be a little easier if the topic number was included with
the article so that individual posts could be found more quickly, but other
than that I wouldn't change much at all. There are just too many good ideas
out there for censorship to be good, some of the best ones often come as a
response to something considered 'outrageous'.
        Keep wielding that blue pencil BG.  You (and Chris previously), add
an awful lot more than is often acknowledged toward keeping the discussion
relevant and interesting. Concerning storage of old issues, perhaps a CD ROM
could be produced and sold for a nominal fee ???  Also I would be surprised
if this were the only list where size is an issue, it just seems to be the
nature of the beast as these things become popular.  The whole industry is
moving toward cheaper and faster equipment with more storage space to
address this issue.  Last time I checked, a thousand megabyte disk (1 Gig)
was less than five hundred dollars, and may be half that in another year.
                                                - Bill W.
[Posted in FML issue 1159]