I read a couple of weeks ago that someone were interested in a Swedish
stamp with a pole cat.  The stamp has been taken out of use, but it is
still possible to buy it from Postens (The Swedish Mails) philatelitic
office.  The value of the stamp is 3 SEK, which is around 45 cent.
The price of the stamp is the same, but to get it you have to pay in
advance.  There is no problem to send it to the USA, but remeber to
make the payment in Swedish crowns or with credit card.
Product no: 930310 (Iller)
You should send your order to: Posten Frimaerken
Kundservice och distribution
981 84 Kiruna
To the same address you can send questions if there is something more you
would like to know.  You can also fax to: +46 980-81490
I think I read something about a new ferret magazine called Modern
Ferret.  Is there anyone who has the address where to subscribe?  Costs?
Is it distributed to Europe?
I would also need to get in contact with someone in FURO.  Is there
anyone on the net that could contact me?
I would also like to make some comments on descenting, though I'm not
going to debate the actual treament.  I have read on the net people having
ferrets that puffs several times everyday.  It sound very strange.  The
reason to this should either be physical or menthal on the ferret.  There
is not too uncommon with inflammation of the anal glands.  This have the
effect that the ferret stinks every now and then.  It is though treatable,
without removing the glands.  I have also noticed that some ferrets,
normally menthaly week ones, sometimes have a tendency when coming to new
places or whenever something new happends to blow a few bombs.  This
menthal related behaviour does normally stop with age and good handling of
the ferret.  I have also experienced stains from "bombs", but I have never
had any problem to wash it away, using only normal washing detergent.
Greetings from a snowy (still) Stockholm.
Johan + ferrets: Penelope, Zeus & Maia
[Posted in FML issue 1158]