Dr. Williams, Avo-Derm is a dog food.  There is a cat food version that
goes under a slightly different name...Avo-Cat maybe?
As for the muzzle argument, Kirk usually brings one of the ferrets in when
he picks me up from work and we often hold impromtu ferret classes.  We're
often asked if they bite or are vicious.  My answer is usually to put my
face next to the ferret's face (usually Taz) and say "Kiss mommy, kiss
mommy." at which point I'm usually licked thoroughly about the lips and
nose.  It always wows people. :)  A muzzle would kill this effect.
Vets, I've heard a lot about cats and dogs have a different skin PH and
that human shampoo can cause skin problems.  Is this a big problem for
occassional bathings and is the problem the same for ferrets?
PS I'm having a bad animal week, one of my gerbils has to have her arm
amputated due to tumors and she's heavily pregnant.  And the tumors can't
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Meet my pets.  The ferrets (Taz, Coffee, and Daphne), the gerbils (lots),
the zebra mouse (Racer), the rats (Timmy and Sue), and the fish (various).
[Posted in FML issue 1158]