>Remember, moderation is the key - these are treats - taste will not
>hurt anyone. (Chocolate, too - a common compound people get all upset
>over.)  But just a taste....
Thanks, Bruce, for allowing me to feel comfortable about giving my
ferrets a teeny tiny taste of chocolate every now and then!
Having worked at an animal emergency clinic, I used to be bombarded w/ phone
calls - primarily around Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day about dogs eating
bags of chocolate they devoured from under the tree, etc.... This 'can' be
dangerous depending on dog size and quantity eaten.  I know the dangers of
chocolate, but I never felt that a teeny tiny little itty bitty taste of
chocolate would be harmful to my ferrets!
Yet I have been severely criticized for doing that!  So I don't even
bother telling anyone I do it anymore (hmm......didn't I just let
EVERYBODY know I do that??!!)
[Moderator's note: Debbie, those who have been following the FML for a while
know that I am a strong supporter of "chocolate rights"... so you're not the
only one!  BIG]
I don't want to give the impression this is done on a daily basis - I
probably do it 3 or 4 times a year!  Sugar, is not a good treat for
ferrets of course, but a little crumb that falls off a chocolate bar
2x a year is not going to kill my ferrets.
The oxygen analogy is great!  Most people probably don't even realize
that 100 percent pure oxygen is quite harmful.
RJ sends hugs and kisses to you - he's dancing all over and chuckling to
everybody else that you said it's ok to take a little lick every now and
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1158]