Maybe there's something wrong with me.....I love the FML.  I can't get
enough of it!  I love the medical info, the stories, the legal stuff.....
So far, I've saved every single listing in one big document, so that I can
refer back to it if I want.  Since I'm on a Vax, space and length aren't
problems for me and my online time is free (thank goodness for work
Actually, I'm disappointed that it's not longer!  With over 900 subscribers,
I'm surprised that it isn't longer.  It seems that only about 30 or so people
respond on a fairly frequent basis.  There's nothing wrong with that - in
just one month I've made several new friends and I've come to look for
certain responses from certain people about different topics.
I personally find it hard not to jump in and give my 2cents worth.  And
it's fun!!  I don't know what others expect from it, but now 2 people in
1 month have 'unsubscribed' because it's too long.
The stories are great - it helps me realize that my ferrets are "normal"
my house is "normal" (to another ferret person anyway) and that *I* am
normal (well....again, to another ferret person!) It seems most of us have
similar problems and we can help each other from our combined experiences.
I wish there had been and FML in '85 and that I had had a computer back
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1158]