> From:    Holly Park Library <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: mystery ailment
> I never thought I'd be so happy to see a bunch of poops!
>    Insight is appreciated. Thanks!      Kate Pappas
Sounds like a 24 hr bug, maybe?
> From:    [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Sick Ferret?
> I get the impression from reading the FML that ferrets get sick all the time.
> In fact it seems like ferrets get more often sick than any other pet, is
> that true? Also I heard something that I don't know if it's a rumor or
> not, is it true that ferrets could turn on you one day...
> Fuzzie
        No questions are stupid.  Not asking questions is.  Ferrets get sick
so do cats, ect...  Read rec.pets there's always quetions on sick pets.  We
have several realy good vets here on the list, that's why there are lots
of questions.  I think ferrets actualy are heartier than some other pets.
I think another reason is that most ferret owners have more than one ferret.
3-5 seem the norm. Although the longer you own ferrets the numbers seem
to go up.  Usualy they are of different ages as well.  Older pets and humans
get sick more often than the young ones.
        Any abused animal can turn on it's owner even humans.  Ferrets are no
different.  If you train your ferret or any pet not to bite and give them a
loving home you will never have a problem.  The only problem I have is a
little raw skin around my nose from getting to many ferret kisses.  Boy does
that smart.:) I think it is also easier to train ferret not to bite than a dog.
        I forgot who posted it but thanks for the updated rabies data on
Texas.  I do have one question though.  The one human that tested positive
for rabies.  Did they check s/he the same way they check ferrets? :) joke.
        Have a good day and a ferret filled weekend.
        Have you ever danced with a ferret under a full moon?
[Posted in FML issue 1158]