Recently my Amelia had stopped using her litter box, instead using the
corner made by the litter box and the wall.  This box, low-sided rectangular
Tupperware <tm> (handy for traveling, since it has a sealing lid), is located
right next to her favorite sleeping place, so having to make a long-distance
sprint was no excuse.  It finally occured to me (maybe this is something
obvious) that I wouldn't want to climb walls first thing after waking up with
a full excretory system, so I installed a ramp, about one and a half times as
long as Amelia, against the side of the box.  One hundred percent success
rate ever since (this is just the living room, mind you, not the bathroom
box; that's another story).  So, maybe this would help discourage some of
those box movers, at least the uncaged ones.
  Could the answer about onions be posted to the whole list?  Amelia is
actually rather fond of them, along with garlic (you should see the faces she
makes when she tries to eat the clove of garlic she just swiped-- kind of
like your first whiskey).
[Posted in FML issue 1157]