Hi from Jen, Karl, Pirate and Blackjack
     We've had success with a couch control method that we found
out about at our vets office.
     Young Blackjack loved digging at the material on the bottom of the couch.
He was so good at it until he put a hole in it a discovered that he had a new
playhouse.  Bribery with Ferretone was the only way to get him to come out.
    On advice, we cut an old bed sheet to the dimensions of the couch.  Then
while we stretched the sheet, we stapled it to the frame, keeping the staples
close to each other so Blackjack couldn't crawl through.  Once we put the
legs back on and turned the couch right-side up, you couldn't even notice the
sheet.  We thought we heard a little voice saying "foiled again."
            Best Wishes
             All Of Us
[Posted in FML issue 1157]