This kind of goes along with the ferret in heat who was allowed to die....
My sister got married 2 years ago, and I met a very close friend of my
brother-in-law who owned ferrets many years ago.  Well, after he learned
of my strong involvement with ferrets, he decided to get back into it.
He purchased several ferrets from a Florida breeder (beautiful ferrets, I
might add) and last year he had 3 litters.  Well, he was floored by the
number of babies (of course this guy *never* asked me for help or advice)
he had and was afraid he would be *stuck* with a bunch of ferrets, so he
sold them for $20 each and towards the end dropped the price to $10!
These babies went out the door w/out any vaccinations at all.  He sold off
his breeders as well because he had a new human baby and wife didn't want
animals in the house (they keep their cat outside in a dog house now).
ANYBODY will buy a ferret for $10 or $20 - if you spend $100 - $200, you'll
think a few times before making an investment.....but $20??? Hey, what's
$20?  Well, now all these babies are growing up, and suddenly, everyone
wants to breed!!  Now, he is referring all these people to ME for advice and
I can't seem to convince them that breeding ferrets is NOT like breeding
dogs and cats.  In many cases, these are first-time ferret owners and they
don't have a clue as to the 'nature of the beast' - 1 girl called me with
a female who had been in season for 2 weeks!  I gave her the name of my
vet and told her to get in there immediately - then I called my vet and
suggested he discuss spaying.  She was not convinced - she opted for the
hormone inj - and wants to breed in a few months.
(This is getting long, I know).
I tried all the horror stories: they can eat their babies, young jills don't
make good mothers, uterine infections, problem deliveries, high vet bills,
vaccinate babies, permit required in NYS, etc....nothing is working.
Unfortunately, I think what will happen is that they will have to go thru the
experience to realize they made a mistake - at whose expense - THE FERRET'S.
I, too, breed on a small scale.  I give handouts w/my babies, a pedigree, 2
vaccines, certificate for free exam at my vets, and my phone # (call me
day/night if in trouble).  I also make sure they intend to spay/neuter.  You
get a feeling for people - I'm learning from phone conversations and can
usually make an assessment at that time w/out even meeting someone, as to
whether or not I think they'll be good parents.  I cry when every single baby
goes out that door - I ask for pix and have started a "baby book".
My point is, those of us who do breed need to be responsible when adopting
kits.  We are the ones responsible for circulating "whole" ferrets into
the community and we are the ones that need to be sure that new owners
*will* spay/neuter when the time comes.
This woman hasn't thought it thru - just who's hob will she use??  Locally,
I know of only 1 other active breeder, and since she and I think along the
same lines, I'm sure she'll probably decline as I will.
This guy has everyone wanting to breed, but since all these ferrets are
related, there's no one to breed with.  Fortunately, Judi Bell (DVM - MF)
will discuss the pitfalls of breeding at our next club meeting - as I've
asked her to do - and I am encouraging these people to come - which they
have agreed to do (they think they're going to get some tips!).  She plans
to bring slides of partially-eaten babies - strong I know, but it needs
to be done....pix say a thousand words.......
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1157]