I have to wholeheartedly agree with Debbie, Jeanne, and Pat -- muzzles can
*only* exacerbate an already shaky (albeit unfair) image.  If you have a
ferret who bites, it doesn't belong around strangers.  There have to be other
ways to get it used to strange situations -- try friends you trust to
understand, or perhaps a local ferret club if there is one.  Anyone who sees
a ferret with a muzzle and doesn't know ferrets is *bound* to make the
logical leap that they must be viscious, and we don't need any help with
*that* assumption.  I really think it would be best to find another way to
control our more rambunctious fuzzies.  Besides I can't imagine it's
necessary -- the place you probably see muzzles used the most (besides the
groomer's) is the vet's.  And every ferret vet I've ever known has said they
have never been attacked by a ferret.  Only one I know has even been
seriously bitten by a ferret, and that by a ferret in a hypoglycemic trance --
 poor thing had no clue what he was doing and practically apologized when he
came to.  I can see very little positive about, and very little need for a
ferret muzzle.
[Posted in FML issue 1155]