I'm about as familiar with human anatomy these days as you probably are with
ferret anatomy, but it should all be about the same, just more stretched out.
Also, most of the liver is under the ribs: I don't know if it is in humans.
There is the best picture you'll probably find in Fox's `Biology and Diseases
of the Ferret', right in front.
According to a couple of veterinary oncology references, methotrexate *is*
used as a chemotherapeutic agent in both human and veterinary medicine.  It
inhibits an enzyme which is a key component of some of the biochemical
reactions that allow cells to be produced.  It has been used to treat lymphoma
and osteogenic sarcoma in both dogs and people.  It's use is limited by its
toxic effects on the gastrointestinal system.  The animal must have
well-functioning kidneys for use.  I don't know if it's been tried in ferrets,
but it's not mentioned in Dr.  Susan Brown's lymphoma treatment protocol in
her book.  If you want more technicalities, please feel free to write me
personally -- I'll put everyone to sleep if I quote from the textbook!
Laura L'Heureux Kupkee
U. of Illinois Vet Med Class of `96
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[Posted in FML issue 1155]