To Jeanne Stadtmiller:
>I am very concerned about Debbie's apparent casual attitude about enlarged
I'm sorry if you interpreted my comments as "casual."  Dale had asked for
others who had experiences with enlarged spleens, and I gave mine.  I was
not trying to "play doctor" and advise Dale in any way.  Dale's ferret is
currently under medical supervision, as he/she should be.  Sometimes, when
writing vs speaking, it is hard to grasp the true tone of a comment, so I
understand your confusion.
Yes, the spleen is part of the lymph system - the largest "lymph node" in the
body.  It may enlarged due to a serious illness or because of a cold.  I
would hate to think a vet would take out an enlarged spleen because of a cold
though! I also ended my comments with:
>Each case is different, so it depends on your own particular situation as
>to what you need to do.
I think that statement implies good medical supervision.
Debbie Riccio
[Posted in FML issue 1154]