RE: 8-in-1 ferret Diet
I bought a bag of the new formulation of this product and my ferretts WILL eat
it IF it is mixed in with IAMS kitten. I tried it alone and they wouldn't
touch it.  Looking at the nutritional info provided, it is a bit lower in Fat
content than our Vet (Dr. Susan Brown) recommends. I suppose this is so it
will meet the needs of the 'average' age ferrets, who require less fat content
than their younger pals.  Eris, my oldest (9.5 yrs) won't have anything to do
with it. I guess she's set in her ways.  I think it was Roger McMillian who
first raised the stinkl on the ''old' formulation, due to the lack of taurine
and the high cost. I do note that the Iam's kitten still costs less per pound
than the 8-in-one, so I'm sticking with it.
Dale Boone -
[Posted in FML issue 1154]