Krystal  and Weehawk,
There are a few common conditions that could cause a 1 yr. old male neutered
ferret to return to male behavior (try to mate with female, marking/dribbling
of urine, having erections).
1)Adrenal tumor---this is by far the most common possibility.  There is a new
blood test to diagnose this--but it is usually not necessary and costs as
much as the surgery to remove the adrenal tumor.  I would strongly recommend
an exploratory to remove the adrenal tumor.  (May want to consider a CBC and
SMAC prior to surgery)
2)Retained testicle---there could be a testicle in the abdomen (the
testicles start out in the abdomen and shortly after birth travel out of
the abdomen to the scrotum) If one or both testicles remained in the
abdomen we could see these symptoms.  The cure for this is surgery to
remove the retained testicles.
3)bladder stones--- much less likely then the other choices with these
symptoms.  The treatment is surgical remove of the stones.
I strongly recommend surgery by an experenced ferret surgeon and a CBC and
SMAC pre op.  I do not feel its worth the money or time wasted to do
ultrasound or more involved bloodwork.
Good Luck
Dr Weiss
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[Posted in FML issue 1180]