Sherman Dorn of Vanderbilt University criticized my request for help to the
Big Apple Ferrets legal fund in order to overturn the recent adverse federal
Court decision upholding NYC's anti-ferret policies. I question the
motivation for some of his commentary.
Mr. Dorn seem to espouse a profesional legal opinion about the consequences
of this adverse decision. Is he an attorney? If I am not mistaken, Vanderbilt
University is a medical research facility that uses animals (perhaps
ferrets).  I would appreciate it if Mr. Dorn would identify exactly what he
does at V.U.
Finally, Mr. Dorn tells us: < Give money, or don't, as you wish.  But please
don't believe this is the one and only chance to fight irresponsible health
departments.  That is hyperbole.>
I never said this was the one and only chance to fight the cause of ferrets'
rights. Why does Mr. Dorn imply that I did? It seems to me he is unduly
hostile to our efforts. Exactly where is he coming from?
How about it, Mr. Dorn?
[Posted in FML issue 1138]