Just a little story:
Last weekend me and a friend of mine went out to
a nightclub, while sitting down sipping some wine
my friend said: - I love that perfume, is it Obssesion?
After a bit of sniffing she said:-But I can feel another
smell as well...a bit of thinking.....-Now I know it's
Tods smell( Tod = my ferret)
So to all of you who asks about if ferret smells, I say
they do, but I dont mind at all! I dont think it's a
bad smell, but I kow that some of my friends are not
really happy about it. Secondly I dont like the idea of
bathing your ferret couple of times per week, it's not good
for their skin, I do it maybe every second month or less,
sometimes, especially with the male, I wash his but when he
has sprayed or been a little clumpsy in his litterbox...
/Helen & Wilma & Tod
[Posted in FML issue 1121]