Sick Ferret...:
                Alice, our two year old adopted ferret appears to be
sick.  She's always been real skinny so she's never been as active as the
other two, but tonight we have noticed that she's _much_ less active than
normal.  Also, her eyes seem kind of glazed.  Sort of like when you've
been on a sedative.  Finally, she's drooling uncontrolably and there's a
lot of it.  Her drool drops are as big as a large drop from an eyedropper
and as soon as one falls another starts to form.  I've checked all of my
books that list ferret medical problems and have come up with nada.
Please HELP!!!
        Mark, Teresa, Angela, and Mike -- The ferret owned roomates
        Mary Jane  -- "I will destroy all cats and dogs!"
        Spuds  --  "Huh?"
        Alice -- "Uh guys, I don't feel so good."
[Posted in FML issue 1132]