To Regina,
Yes there's other people from Montreal who are crazy about ferrets.
Three are full member of our family:  Victor, Hugo and Adele H.
If you want to have and other fuzzy, I would recommend that you contact
Jeanine Degand at <Furet mon ami>:  3568, Chemin Sainte-Therese
                                    Carignan (Quebec)
                                    J3L 4A7
                                    Tel:  (514) 447-5055
Jeanine is the PDG of the association and she's doing great job in
educating the community about ferrets.  She rescues a lot of ferrets  each
year, and when they are in good health ( they are all seen by a vet Dr
Allan in Greenfield Park) and well behaved, she let them go in good selected
families for a very reasonable fee.  All my three came from the
association and they are very nice and lovable ferrets.
Feel free to contact me at my personnal e-mail any time.
To all of FML readers and writers:
I read the FML since about one month now, and just love it.  I feel less
crazy when I see so many people who ferret-proof their house (we builted
a kind of big closet to keep them away from the washer and dryer)  who
hand feed them when they are sick and who learn so much just looking them
(ferrets) dancing...
I learn a lot too (brewer yeast is great! my old one, Victor, is in
better shape since we mix some whith their food)
Thanks to all...
To the ferret union from Victor, Hugo and Adele H.
<< We want to joint the union even we speak french only.  Mom will
translate or she won't never see her slippers again.
 - I can give special lessons in opening popcorn jar, steeling
grandpa's screwdriver, jump in the bath, etc....  (Hugo)
 _ Mom always says that I have a lot of idea, I'm great to open all the
drawers in less of 2 minutes.  I would like also that we add to the
chart that ferret should be allowed to sleep in silk scarfs (I
love it!  They are in the upper drawer  but I know how to get there
quickly...  If you never try, it you should, fur and silk is a marvelous
mix...)  Adele
 - If there is a lot of nutrical, raisins, and peanut butter and if I can
sleep during the sessions, I will go... Victor>>
<< Where are my slippers, my blue scarf and were is the nutrical???>>
 Anne Charbonneau E-mail: [log in to unmask]    Fax: (514) 343-2233
                  Tel: (514) 343-5924     Local:C-213
                  Faculte de medecine dentaire
                  Universite de Montreal
                  C.P. 6128, Succ. A,
                  Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 3J7
[Posted in FML issue 1149]