RE: Cage clips
        I'm not really sure how the clips, you spoke of, are intended to
     work, but I had a problem with my guys moving the litter pan around
     too much.  I drilled a hole in the corner of the litter pan and put
     one end of an "S" hook through the hole and crimped that end closed.
     I then hook the open end over one of the wires in the corner of the
     cage so the pan cannot be moved.  My guys would move the pan and let
     loose in the corner it used to occupy.
     RE: Educating the Authorities
        WAY TO GO, MIKE!!!!!!!!!  Maybe some of the open-mindedness of the
     folks you've dealt with will someday rub off onto authorities in other
     areas of the world.
     RE: Statistics of Past Tests vs. Shedding Study (Issue 1147)
        I agree with you that statistics of previous results from rabies
     testing in ferrets around the country may open a few eyes/ears/minds
     regarding rabies in ferrets.  However, I must say that I think folks
     should try and help fund the shedding study.
        After speaking with officials in my state (Maryland), the shedding
     study will hold more water, if any, in comparison to "playing the
     odds", which is what they'd be doing if they base their decision
     solely on previous testing results.  I think the key to a "correct"
     resolution may result from a combination of an "official" scientific
     shedding study backed up with the prior history data.
     RE: CatWorks Litter
        I, too, have begun to use CatWorks as of about a month ago.  Since
     this litter is much more natural and pleasant smelling than clay
     litter, my guys played in it far too long before they finally realized
     it was where they were to go potty.
        Just a tip; You might consider placing some ferret feces in the new
     litter so they know the intent of the new material.  Otherwise, your
     ferrets may choose your carpet over the CatWorks, initially.
     Al Braunstein                         The Johns Hopkins University/
     (410) 792-6000                        Applied Physics Laboratory
     (301) 953-6000                        Johns Hopkins Road
     extension: 3981                       Mail Stop 13-s313
     email: [log in to unmask]     Laurel, Maryland 20723-6099
     The above comments are mine and mine alone and may not necessarily
     (but probably do) represent the opinion(s) of any other group or
Date:         Wed, 29 Mar 1995 06:52:46 -0500
From:         Pat Ball <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Bathing Ferrets
Hi, Daphne,
You may be bathing your ferrets too much.  They should only be bathed
maybe once a month, otherwise, you may be washing the natural oils out of
their skin which will dry it out and cause them to itch.  Also, make sure
that you are rinsing out all the shampoo.  Another thing to keep in mind,
is that ferrets enjoy scratching and they are also naturally clean
animals.  Much like cats will do, I think they like preening themselves.
With regard to the biting, you will have to discipline Pepper when she
bites.  Flick her nose so that she knows you are not happy with what she
is doing whenever she bites somebody.  Probably, one of the most
important things to do though, is keep her away from other people.  I
heard two instances, just over the past two-three months, where people
have had their ferrets taken and killed in order to test for rabies
because the ferrets bit somebody.  Two times is two times too many in my
book and I would choose to protect my ferrets at all costs.  Just don't
let other people handle her at all.
Good luck to you and yours.  I hope that I've been helpful to you.
Pat and the gang.
Lucci & family, XCaret & family, Mystic Apache & family, Princess, Jeri,
Navajo Jo a/k/a JoJo, Gretal, Cherokee, and our three toddler ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 1149]