Help.  Are ferrets legal in Dallas?  I talked to a breeder who told me
they are in some places and are not in other places.  Could some one
help me out please?
Also, I am going to get a ferret in a few weeks.  I just got some
books and thatts what I'm going to do all night.  They are so cute!  I
can not wait.  The breeder I am getting it from is located in
Arlington, Tx.  He breeds them himself and he seems very knowledgable.
He told me that it is best to get one and wait till they are about 6
months to neuter or spay them.  Is this right?  Also, I am 14, so my
mom and dad want to keep it outside, because the people they have
talked to said that they really stench.  But they don't at all, at
least thats what I've heard from you.  Could you send a seperate
letter just explaining how its really not okay to keep them out?  This
would really help me out.  And if you have any tips that you have
found helpful, and you want to share, please share!
                           From a ferret lover just like you, Erik
            Thanks                    (    [log in to unmask]  )
PS Oh ya.  Could someone send a really nice letter with lots of the
cool stuff about them.  My mom is still reluctant kind of on my
responsibility.  She's wierd that way.  I have been doing a lot to
help out around the house to show her.  I have two dogs and they never
have a minute without my attention.  Couyld some one help me out?
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[Posted in FML issue 1149]