What's all the fuss about descenting?  As a veterinarian, I have
descented more than a few ferrets using both the "doggie method" and the
other procedure.  Neither method is "cruel and/or unusual".  I do not
understand why it would be considered as such?  Last year I adopted an
intact male from an institution.  He was a lovable little guy, but the
STENCH in my house was not!  And I do mean STENCH.  My only choice was to
descent.  Wally Olliebear did not "suffer unbearably".  He had an
analgesic in case of post surgical irritation (I've never had surgery
back there myself.  Anybody want to comment?) which is quite
appropriate.  He was up and hopping about right after he recovered from
anesthesia.  My point is--if the smell is that bad, descent.  If it's not
and you don't want to have your pet's anal sacs removed, that's OK too.
The surgery is NOT a cruel procedure to perform on an animal if done
properly.  It does seem to produce better results if performed early in the
ferret's life.  As for being light years behind Germany on "cruelty"
issues--judging from the country's past history--I'd like to stay that way.
Michelle S. Jones
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[Posted in FML issue 1148]